Most people would know what use they intend to put the boat to.
I do not.
The main purpose for me right now, is the build itself, more than the end use of the boat.
The ideal situation for me would be to build the boat and sell it, before building another boat. I need to keep busy and will not be able to afford building a second boat if the first is not sold. But that is all in the future. In the meantime I need to build.
After looking at hundreds of boat plans, there are a few favourite plans which I would have no problem attempting. Let's have a look...
1. Flats Flyer. This is a beauty from Glen-L. I would make a few deck changes to create the front half of deck to be like bassboat, with a smallish wet-deck style at the rear. Would need to decide if I also make a center console or bass-like cockpits/seats.
This really is a build that could end up with an exciting boat - for bass fishing and also usable in the estuaries and inshore coastal reefs along the coast.
To build this boat I would need more space - double garage at least.

2. Ragtime. A Grande Olde Lady from Chesapeake Marine Design! He-he, I like this boat very much. Much more sedate than the Flats Flyer, yet elegant and classy. I can imagine many countless hours spent building this beauty, choosing wood, sanding, polishing - endless attention to detail, will ensure a masterpiece. How can you not love it? This boat would adore Knysna lagoon or Gamtoos river.
At 21' - to build this boat I would need more space.

3. Lobster Boat 26. The largest boat on this list and is from the Bateau stable. Very stylish compared to the majority of plans available to the amateur boat builder. A hard top, seating in the cockpit or even cabin changes can all be accommodated with careful planning, making this a very versatile boat. Day cruising, weekender or a plain ole fishin' boat - makes yer choice!!
At 26' - to build this boat I would definitely need more space. Being designed for an inboard is a second inhibiting factor as the cost of new inboards are close to R100k right now. You just cannot put a secondhand into a beaut like this.

4. Ocracoke 20. This is a WOW boat from B&B Yacht Designs. For offshore and estuary fishing, it's going to be a dream. Great lines, give you a boat that is going to look good and get appreciative comments. Comfortable fishing, light and economical. I think this would make a perfect boat for a quick Sunday run to the fishing grounds.
To build this boat, I would need at least a double garage.

5. Outer Banks 20. Although I find this to be a strange name, it's definitely a beauty. Also from B&B Yacht Designs. Spending time on the estuary or lagoon in this boat is simply going to be a dream. Build this boat with care and attention to detail, fit it out to your (and the missus') fancy and it will be like being in 5-star luxury all the time. You'll probably need a few "DO NOT DISTURB" signs to keep all the fans away when you want to catch a mid-morning nap. This boat was designed for "every-weekend-on-the-water".
To build this boat, I would need more space... again at least double garage.

So after all this, you can see that I am in a conundrum. I do not have space to build any of my favourites. Either I wait until we find a place with some space, which could take a while, or I compromise for something smaller.
I cannot wait. I am too impatient. When I decide I want to do something, I need to get a move on.
So I made a compromise.
I'll build a boat I can
a. afford,
b. fit into the garage,
c. practice a lot of new techniques on a cheapie.

Small enough - to fit into my single garage. Just!
Pretty enough - I might just find a customer for it.
Useful enough - I could end up using it without any problem. Imagine fitting this with a small torqeedo electric motor and trolling a lure behind you as you cruise up and down Gamtoos river. You'll pull out a few huge cob. Near the mouth you're liable to hook elf or garrick too.
I will keep posting regarding the building of the Rangeley.
I received a lovely email from Carla at B&B Yacht Designs. In it she informs me that the Outer Banks is named after a large geographical area in North Carolina. Along the coast they have a set of "barrier islands" called the Outer Banks, whereas the mainland side of the sound is called Inner Banks. Interesting too is that Ocracoke is named after one of those Outer Banks islands.
This will teach me, for being ignorant. he-he :)
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